How To Choose The Best White Paint - BHM Home

How To Choose The Best White Paint

You may not know it, but all white paints are not created equal, there are about 1,000,000x whites to choose from, which can make the selection process overwhelming.
We’re in love with white, our latest warehouse is white floors & walls. Pure, simple, crisp and clean - it's the perfect backdrop for a modern interior and creates an opportunity to really canvas your space. Chuck some VJ Wall Paneling in the mix too and it's an interior stylists dream come true.
In our latest project, painting our new space, I wanted to share the in's and out's of choosing a white colour for your next paint job. Our selection features whites in varying shades, from cool to warm, to suit any room in your home. A bright and bold white can look stunning in your living area; a soft and warm white might be more relaxing and cosy for a bedroom. 
Image from Dulux
Without fluffing around the edges, Dulux is our favourite brand (not sponsored)  but many of the other brands should still be able to tint in their colours if you are opting for something more affordable.
Vivid White is the purest & brightest white you will get, perfect for a big open space where you want to create a modern and crisp feel. It's a cooler tone but perfect for a space that has limited natural light. Vivid is a bold but effective choice, just make sure you highlight your space with softer tones to dull out the starkness, rustic wood is perfect for this. *Side note, this is the colour we have just painted our warehouse.
Photo shared by our lovely customer Lauren Cardilini Interior Design
Natural White is more for the lover of warmth. A subtle white that has a warming & charming effect. Perfect for a bedroom or somewhere that needs softening and ‘toning down’ Natural White is a perfect go to, like the sun on your face on an autumn day. The true gentleman of whites.
Images from The Talle Valley House
Lexicon Quarter is one of the more popular whites, it's a cooler tone. It hosts a grey/blue undertone and is perfect for those who like a brighter & more of a 'dominant' white. Looks perfect in a space with grey, black and wooden furnishing. A sleek & suave white, like Christian Grey, only Christian White.
These lovely images are by Coastal Luxury
And last but not least White On White, this is one of my favorites, it's the coolest of warm whites. With brown & green undertones. This is a versatile & energetic colour white that can be used in any room. It's a safe option if you are fence sitting on cooler vs warmer. White On White can be used throughout a home, so a great one stop shop. Kinda like the Julie Andrews of paint, everyone loves her. Our house is done in White On White.
Photo provided by our lovely customer Mattisse Jade
When narrowing down which tint suits your space, it can kick your decision fatigue into overdrive. The arguments me and my husband  had over ‘I see a grey tone, No I see a green tone’. Take your time, test it out in your space before you commit. Sample pots will cost you about $10 at your local Bunnings and you will be thankful you did it.
Must do's when choosing your white:
  • Always do a test sample
  • Check the colour in both natural light and artificial light
  • Do two coats
  • Let it dry completely
  • Sample it in a couple of areas within the space 
Good Luck, we would love you to drop below your experience with choosing a white paint.
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